Endorsed institutes

ARC MFC - Arctic Marine Forecasting Center of the Copernicus Marine Services

The Arctic MFC is providing 10-days forecasts and 25 years reanalysis of the Arctic Ocean. Essentially, the Copernicus Arctic MFC offers the continuation of the products served by the MyOcean project (2009-2015). The duration of the program is from April 2015 until March 2021. The consortium lead by NERSC counts three partners: NERSC, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway) and the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR).

ECCC - Environment and Climate Change Canada

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) maintains a meteorological research and development capacity that provides the department with the research necessary to improve weather and environmental prediction. The meteorological research and development program is the scientific foundation on which the weather and environmental prediction programs of Environment and Climate Change Canada are built. This research leads to Canadians receiving better advanced warning of severe weather events, and helps everyone protect themselves, their families and their property from harm. ECCC’s Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) maintains a Meteorological and Environmental Prediction Centre as well as several regional offices to forecast daily weather conditions and warnings, and provide detailed meteorological information to all of Canada; as well as providing Meteorological and Navigation warnings including ice conditions for Arctic METAREAs XVII and XVIII as mandated by IMO; and marine and ice conditions and forecasts to facilitate emergency response in the Canadian Arctic.

GFI - Geophysical Institute – University of Bergen, Norway

The Geophysical Institute (GFI, www.uib.no/gfi/) at the University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally acknowledged contributor to the development of marine and polar research and weather forecasting methods as well as in research training. It has a permanent staff of 44 professors/associated prof., technicians and administrators, and 52 postdocs and PhD candidates. The research strategy rests upon use of own cutting-edge measurement techniques developed in collaboration with technology partners that combine theoretical studies and modeling in meteorology, climate dynamics, physical and chemical oceanography. As an integral part of the Bjernes Center for Climate Research (BCCR - www.bjerknes.uib.no) the GFI played a major role in the development of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), and climate prediction system (NorCPS). GFI coordinates The Norwegian Atlantic Current Observatory (NACO) a national large-scale infrastructure funded by the Research Council of Norway, the Norwegian node of the European Research Infrastructure ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System), and leads the ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre OTC. GFI represents UIB at ESF (European Science Foundation) Marine Board and the Norwegian UNESCO Commission. GFI scientists are also active in international scientific committees and working groups of large international research programmes such as the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), including the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), the Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), and the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR), as well as the World Climate Research Programme's project Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change (CLIVAR) and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR/IOC).

MET Norway - The Norwegian Meteorological Institute

MET Norway is the national public meteorological service in Norway. The institute provides information to public authorities, businesses and the general public to secure life and property and in support of economic activity, societal planning and environmental protection. This includes operational monitoring and forecasting for large North Atlantic and Arctic areas. MET Norway employs about 400 persons, in addition to about 600 observers, including staff at Arctic stations. MET Norway is running numerical forecasting models for the ocean and atmosphere in the Arctic on a daily operational basis. MET Norway operates satellite-based sea ice monitoring services, such as the EUMETSAT OSI SAF and the Norwegian Ice Service. They provide routine observations (stations, radiosondes) for Svalbard and surrounding regions, and will soon begin development of an Arctic Regional Reanalysis system. MET Norway is hosting the YOPP Data Portal. Lastly, Dr. Jørn Kristiansen is a member of the PPP-YOPP steering group.

Met Office - Met Office, UK

The Met Office is the National Meteorological Service (NMS) for the United Kingdom and one of the world's foremost weather, climate service and operational oceanography providers with a long history of providing forecasts and services throughout the globe. As well as being at the forefront of meteorological science, the Met Office is a recognised world leading organisation in climate science and climate services through the Met Office Hadley Centre (MOHC) for Climate Science and Services. As part of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP), the Met Office will be undertaking the YOPP-endorsed MACSSIMIZE measurement campaign (http://apps3.awi.de/YPP/pdf/stream/64) to be carried out during Feb/Mar 2018 in Alaska and north-western Canada. MACSSIMIZE will include both aircraft and in-situ measurements and will focus on snow, clouds and boundary layer processes. The Met Office will also provide access to operational forecasts for the Arctic in support of campaigns during the Year of Polar Prediction (on a best endeavours basis). This support will likely be based on access to forecasts from the current 10 km global NWP model, our trial coupled global NWP system, and a high resolution (2.2 km) limited area model being run in support of the MACSSIMIZE aircraft campaign.

NASC - National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine

NASC of Ukraine is a national operator for scientific research in Antarctica. It includes department of Atmospheric Physics and Geospace which ensures implementation of meteorological monitoring program and research activity in this field. The Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station is a starting point for us. It is located in changeable environment of marine Antarctica and Atmosphere – Ocean – Ice – Land interaction has bright performance for conducting research here. Investigations of local weather phenomenon, mesoscale modeling (testing and improving), satellite instruments calibration are the aims which can potentially improve weather forecast, as well as the additional data itself. Therefore, NASC pays attention to implementation of automatic, high resolution and remote measurements in the vicinity region.

USNIC - U.S. National Ice Center

The U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) provides global to tactical scale ice and snow products, ice forecasting, and environmental intelligence services for the United States government. As an ‘operational’ ice center, the USNIC tailors analysis and short term forecasts for mariners on, near, and under sea ice, and monitors and classifies sea ice on a global scale.