In order to request YOPP endorsement, please:
- Register at this website to create an account for this site and fill out the required fields (name and email address). You will receive an email to verify your registration.
- Now you can log in to the website and create a new project. Please follow the instructions and fill the requested information. You will also be asked to provide a summary (maximum 250 words/1500 characters (without space)/ca 1800? characters with space) and a longer description (max. 1000 Wörter/6000 characters (no space)/ca 7000characters with space) of your project.
- After submitting your request for endorsements, it will be forwarded to members of the PPP steering group (PPP-SG) for assessment.
- PPP-SG members will review the application and notify the ICO within ten working days of receiving the application.
- The ICO will notify the project leader of the decision within four working days of receiving the decision from the reviewing PPP-SG members.
For any further questions, please contact the
International Coordination Office for Polar Prediction.