


Introducing "YOPP Explorer"

About the YOPP Explorer

The YOPP Explorer is a web application, jointly developed by the World Meteorological Organization and the International Coordination Office for Polar Prediction and hosted on Polar Prediction Project website
The YOPP Explorer summarises information on field campaigns and other activities endorsed through the Year of Polar Prediction initiative.

How to use the YOPP-Explorer

Choose between a map for the Arctic or Antarctic, or view the list of involved partners. On both maps, semi-transparent spots are indicating a YOPP-endorsed activity. When clicking on one of these spots, detailed information of the particular activity is displayed. Colours in the top left of the map indicate the field of research.
Below, different projects and national contributions to the Year of Polar Prediction are listed. Colours indicate the topic of the selected project (e.g., observations, modelling, education). Contributions shown in grey involve larger and longer-term national or international institutional activities.
Below the map under the project boxes, time lines of the projects are shown. The black bar indicates the duration of the project, while green bars indicate field activities and campaigns. During the Year of Polar Prediction, there will be three Special Observing Periods (SOPs) with an increased number of routine observation obtained through activities as illustrated in the maps. By clicking e.g. on SOP1, activities during SOP1 (February-March 2018) will be displayed.

The YOPP Explorer does not guarantee absolute accuracy and availability and is a service of the International Coordination Office in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization. For any question contact us at