Dataset: M127 - Simrad EM122 Data

Archive DOI
Dataset citation HTML, BibTeX, RIS
Metadata of dataset ISO 19115/19139, FGDC, PANGAEA
Navigation system Meteor - Seapath 320
Horizontal reference system (EPSG) WGS84 geographic (4326)
Sonar system Simrad EM122
Sonar type multibeam
Depth definition true depths
Depth datum (EPSG) MeanSeaLevel depth (5715)
File format Simrad multibeam processing format
File listing795 files, as XML file
Tracklength [km] 5287
Generalised track ¹ KML file
Gross coverage [km²] (unedited - no warranty) 51588
Usage Primary data are generally not depth-edited and should not directly be used for final product compilations.
Maintenance Update frequency of dataset: notPlanned
Constraints Access: onDemand
Use: copyright
Status completed
Abstract M127 is addressing research questions regarding the nature, exploration, and resource potential of marine minerals. One of the main tasks during the cruise was mapping of the TAG segment in various resolutions. This included ship-based as well as high-resolution mapping using an AUV. During M127 extensive multibeam mapping was conducted with the onboard EM122 MBES. The majority of surveys in the working area, were conducted with a symmetrical beam spacing of 45° to both sides, a survey speed of 6-8 kn and a line spacing of 3 km, giving a typical swath width of around 7 km and yielding bathymetric grids with a final resolution of up to 30 m without major gaps. During cruise M127 50,000 km2 of the seafloor were imaged during the transits and of about 3,900 km2 near 26°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The aim of the bathymetric surveys during M127 was to cover the entire length of the TAG segment including the non-transform offsets to the north and south.
Sonar system operators Dr. Nico Augustin
(MaNIDA) data level 0
Data quality / Lineage
Point of contact GEOMAR bathymetry data responsible party

 (¹): KML file is created online from database applying track generalization ±50 meter.