Dataset: MSM64 - Simrad EM712 Data

Archive unpublished
Dataset citation unpublished
Metadata of dataset ISO 19115/19139, FGDC
Navigation system Merian - Seapath 320
Horizontal reference system (EPSG) WGS84 geographic (4326)
Sonar system EM712
Sonar type multibeam
Depth definition true depths
Depth datum (EPSG) MeanSeaLevel depth (5715)
File format Simrad multibeam processing format
File listing115 files, as XML file
Tracklength [km] 714
Generalised track ¹ KML file
Gross coverage [km²] (unedited - no warranty) 828
Usage Primary data are generally not depth-edited and should not directly be used for final product compilations.
Maintenance Update frequency of dataset: notPlanned
Constraints Access: onDemand
Use: copyright
Status completed
Abstract Scientific work during cruise MSM64 emphasized on a detailed mapping of water mass properties along 47 to 48 N that was combined with comprehensive measurements of the current system. In addition to ship- based observations, recovery and redeployment of deep-sea moorings at the western and eastern boundaries of the North Atlantic was conducted. These serve to determine the export and import rates of subpolar or subtropical water masses in these regions. In addition to this program, the two multibeam echo-sounder systems installed in the vessels hull Kongsberg EM712 and EM122 were calibrated, and the required sea acceptance test for the EM712 device was carried out by a technical-scientific team. Further acquisition information were not provided by the responsible party.
Sonar system operators Laura Frahm & Christian dos Santos Ferreira
(MaNIDA) data level 0
Data quality / Lineage
Point of contact MARUM bathymetry data responsible party

 (¹): KML file is created online from database applying track generalization ±50 meter.