Dataset: SO175 - Simrad EM120 Data

Archive DOI
Dataset citation HTML, BibTeX, RIS
Metadata of dataset ISO 19115/19139, FGDC, PANGAEA
Navigation system Sonne - INS - GPS
Horizontal reference system (EPSG) WGS84 geographic (4326)
Sonar system Simrad EM120
Sonar type multibeam
Depth definition true depths
Depth datum (EPSG) MeanSeaLevel depth (5715)
File format Simrad multibeam processing format
File listing868 files, as XML file
Tracklength [km] 4538
Generalised track ¹ KML file
Gross coverage [km²] (unedited - no warranty) 33097
Usage Primary data are generally not depth-edited and should not directly be used for final product compilations.
Maintenance Update frequency of dataset: notPlanned
Constraints Access: onDemand
Use: copyright
Status completed
Abstract SO175 aimed for a multidisciplinerary geoscientific approach with an international group of researchers. Methods covered the entire span from geophysical data acquisition, sediment coring at sites of active fluid venting, in situ heat flow measurements across the entire length of the Gibraltar thrust wedge, the deformation front, landslide bodies, and mud volcanoes, and finally the deployment of a long-term pore pressure probe. The EM120 was used continuously during SO175. Depending on the state of the sea, an opening angle of 60-70° was used, restricting the coverage to a max. 14 km wide swath to gain a more continuous spacing of beams on the ocean floor. The spacing within this limits was controlled automatically by the echosounder system.
Sonar system operators Ingo Grevemeyer
(MaNIDA) data level 0
Data quality / Lineage
Point of contact MARUM bathymetry data responsible party

 (¹): KML file is created online from database applying track generalization ±50 meter.